Menschen verschiedener Herkunft

Respecting and protecting human rights

Responsible behaviour is the foundation on which ERGO Group creates value for and with all its stakeholders. We are convinced that we can only successfully implement our business model by making choices based on a long-term, sustainable perspective. In our view, respect for human rights is a fundamental part of doing so. Accordingly, we are committed to respecting and upholding human rights in line with internationally accepted human rights principles and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

More than a promise

ERGO Group Declaration of Principles

The Board of Management of the ERGO Group has expressly underlined the importance of human rights and their high priority for the entire Group in its Declaration of Principles on Respecting and Protecting Human Rights in accordance with Section 6, Paragraph 2 of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.

Due diligence and risk management

Our goal is, to the best of our knowledge and ability, to prevent or mitigate any potentially adverse impacts of our business on human rights compliance. To ensure fulfilment of our due diligence obligations, we have therefore established processes for identifying risks concerning the infringement of human rights and for addressing them with appropriate measures.

Our corporate due diligence requirements are set out in various guidelines, codes and work instructions. The processes include the following components:

A risk management system with clearly defined processes and responsibilities:
  • Regularly conducting risk analyses
  • Embedding preventive and remedial measures in our business units
  • Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of measures
Complaints management system
Documentation and reporting

BAFA Report

Report on the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

The Swiss Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (SCSD) strengthens human rights and environmentally sustainable behaviour in global supply chains. Our SCSD report provides a comprehensive overview of the measures we have taken as a company to ensure that our supply chains respect human rights and comply with environmental standards. 


ERGO Group Statement on human rights

We respect human rights in line with internationally accepted principles: Statement on UK Modern Slavery Act.

Further information

Complaints procedure and information

You can use our whistleblower system to report possible human rights risks or violations of human rights-related obligations. This allows relevant information to be shared securely, confidentially and, if desired, anonymously – worldwide and around the clock.

Sustainability at ERGO

ERGO Group AG and its companies are committed to responsible and prudent action. You can find all the information about our sustainable commitment in our business, to our employees, to the environment and to society in the ‘Sustainability’ section.